Yale University's campus newspaper, the Yale Daily News, has come under fire for censoring a pro-Israel columnist, removing baseless claims that Hamas raped women and beheaded men from a recent column. The debate has sparked heated debates on campus and within the wider community over freedom of expression and journalistic integrity. 

The Yale Daily News deleted references to alleged atrocities committed by Hamas in an opinion piece titled "Is Yalys4Palestine a hate group?" written by sophomore Sahar Tartak, editor-in-chief of the Yale Free Press newspaper. In response to the censorship, Tartak expressed his frustration on his social media account, and he shared a comment from Yale professor Nicholas Christakis, who questioned the validity of such claims.

Tartak's column was published just five days after the Hamas massacre on October 7, which resulted in the deaths of more than 1,400 Israelis. Hamas militants used hang-gliders and pickup trucks to infiltrate the area during a music festival near the fence on the Israel-Gaza border. In his article, Tartak denounced the student group Yalis4Palestine, which posted messages on Instagram blaming Israel for the atrocity.