Slum dwellers living in Dhaka will also live in flats with modern facilities. They will have a monthly rent of Tk 4,500. The area of ​​each flat is 63 square feet. The rent of the flat can be paid at Tk 150 per day or Tk 1,050 per week.

The plan was adopted by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in 2016. The foundation stone of the project was laid on October 26 of that year.On Tuesday (August 3), the Prime Minister will hand over the allotment of 300 flats for slum dwellers constructed by the National Housing Authority in Mirpur-11 section.

A total of 10,000 flats will be constructed for slum dwellers in section 11. The total cost of the project has been estimated at Tk 148 crore. After handing over the allotment to 300 families on Tuesday, flats will be allotted to another 1001 families in the second phase. 10,000 families living in the slum will get the opportunity to live in new flats.Families in these slums will get priority in living in flats first.

Joardar Tabbed Nabi, executive engineer of the National Housing Department, said the foundation stone of the project was laid on October 28, 2017. Three of the five buildings in Mirpur Section 11 are being inaugurated tomorrow (Tuesday). The other two will be next time. There will be 533 flats in these five buildings. From there, 300 will be handed over on Tuesday.One thousand flats will be constructed in the next project. 10 thousand flats will be constructed step by step.