Heavy rains have caused flooding in the UK capital London. Two hospitals there have been flooded. Patients are not being admitted to hospitals to deal with the situation. The ambulance is also being returned. News from the BBC.

Many houses, roads and stations in the city were submerged in the floods that occurred on Sunday. Vehicles are stuck on the road. City authorities have warned residents not to wander outside unnecessarily in the event of a disaster.The London Fire Brigade said it had received about 300 phone calls for help in just a few hours.The two flood-hit hospitals are East London's Whips Cross and Newham Hospital. In a post on social media Twitter, Newham Hospital authorities said, ‘If you need it, we are by your side. But as long as we are dealing with the situation, you will go to nearby hospitals if possible. 'The BBC reports that heavy rains have cut off roads in several areas, including London's Blackwell Tunnel, A12, and parts of the North Circular. Residents on a street in the Woodford area of ​​east London have been seen fetching water from their homes with buckets.

A woman named Maria Piva, a resident of London, said that the houses of the people in the vicinity were submerged in the rain water. "My son went to the local store to buy food," said Maria, 48.The whole road and sidewalk was submerged before he could return. The water came to our door. '

Referring to the situation, a young man named Eddie Elliott said, ‘I was born in London and grew up here. I have never seen anything like it in my life. 'Elliott's comment was that this was the worst flood he had ever seen in London.