Professor Tahmina Shirin, director of the government's Institute of Pathology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), said two patients were being treated for black fungus at a hospital in the capital. He added that the hospital authorities had not officially informed them about the matter. IEDCR will go to the hospital today to confirm the matter.The two patients were admitted to Bardem General Hospital in the capital. On May 6, a 45-year-old patient was diagnosed with mucorrhoea or black fungus, hospital officials said.

Then on May 23, another 80-year-old man was diagnosed with the disease. They were both infected with the coronavirus. After recovering, they became infected with black fungus.In India, mycobacterium tuberculosis is a widespread disease. So far 8,800 people have been infected with the fungus in the country.

About 50 percent of people infected with the black fungus are dying. And a part of those who are surviving have to have their eyes removed.According to various international media reports, there is a link between steroid treatment and black fungus infection to cure those infected with corona.

People with diabetes have a higher risk of contracting the fungus. Infection occurs within 12 to 18 days of recovery from Kovid-19.