One lakh 620 doses of Pfizer coronavirus have reached the country. The vaccine arrived at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on Emirates Airlines Flight EK-582 at around 11:22 pm on Monday. Bangladesh initially received the vaccine from CoVAX, a global initiative for the collection and distribution of coronavirus vaccines.Shamsul Haque, member secretary of the health department's vaccine deployment committee, told Newsstar Today that the Pfizer vaccine arrived in the country in 18 boxes from Belgium. 

These will be taken in a special freezer van from the airport and kept in EPI storage in Mohakhali. Vaccines are being stored through air-conditioned devices.This vaccine for coronavirus invented by Pfizer-Bioentech will be given to the people of Dhaka city. People who have already registered will get priority in getting this vaccine. However, the Department of Health has not yet decided when Pfizer will be vaccinated. 

The second dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is currently being given. Besides, Chinese company SynoPharma is also vaccinating in four hospitals.On May 27, the Department of Drug Administration approved the emergency use of the Pfizer-Bioentech vaccine. This vaccine should be stored at a temperature of minus 90 degrees to minus 60 degrees. These temperature storage containers are very low in the country. EPI officials said the government's Institute of Public Health (IPH), Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), International Center for Diarrhea Research Bangladesh (ICDDRB),There is a suitable container for keeping this vaccine in the laboratory of Ngabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University. For now, this vaccine will be kept in IPH.