Former US President Donald Trump used to mock the coronavirus in his speeches while he was in power, referring to it as 'China virus', 'Uhan virus' and 'Kungfu virus'. The Chinese-American Civil Rights Coalition, a non-governmental organization, thinks that his satire has caused "mental anguish" to Chinese and Asian-Americans. The company has filed a lawsuit against Trump in a New York court. 

Khabar Al-Jazeera.The Chinese-American Civil Rights Coalition filed a lawsuit against Trump in New York's Southern District Court on Thursday. Case documents have been posted online. In the wake of last year's Corona epidemic, Trump called Corona sarcastic in his speeches, statements and social media posts, which has left Chinese and Asian-Americans in a state of emotional turmoil.

Through it, the path to spreading racial hatred and crime against people in these communities across the United States has intensified.But Jason Miller, Trump's senior adviser, said in a statement that the lawsuit was "irrational and foolish." The case will not go to court. Meanwhile, a Pew Research study published in April found that 81 percent of Asian-American adults living in the United States believe that hate and criminal activity against them has increased. About 20 percent think Trump's sarcastic remarks about China have contributed to the spread of violence against Asian-Americans in the United States.