Evaluation of Joe Biden's performance as President of the United States has begun. How did Biden? Some say Biden has changed his country in the 100 days since he became president. According to some, Biden's success could surpass that of former President Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt brought the United States to the brink of a civic welfare state.
One, President Trump came to power by aggressively attacking all outsiders. He wanted to build a wall around the United States to stop illegal immigrants. In his first 100 days, Biden changed Trump's policy by recognizing nearly a quarter of the country's illegal immigrants as U.S. citizens. He even instructed outsiders to dismiss the description as ‘illegal’.From now on, they will be identified as 'undocumented non-citizens' or undocumented persons.
The Biden administration's new immigration policy states, "We want to show respect to foreigners around the world."Second, the trajectory of the US economy has been one-sided since World War II. Along with that it has created increased opportunities for the wealthy and the beneficiaries. As a result, the rich have become richer, and inequality has surpassed all previous records. Biden wants to change that route. The incentive program that he has already adopted, his main goal is to reduce poverty in the United States. Despite being the richest country in the world, 1 in 10 people in the United States are poor and hungry.
If implemented, it would lift a quarter of a billion people living below the poverty line in the United States. Children are most severely attacked by hunger. Biden's program will be able to starve 50 percent of poor children in the United States. The initiative taken by Biden to prevent discrimination is not a cure-all, but a deliberate attempt to save the United States from its racial discrimination. According to economist James Ziliak, the change that has begun is, in a word, "profound."